Sunday 10 November 2013

Waking Up His Wife Fun!

Dear Readers,

Lets have some fun, with Waking Up His Wife out on sale in the UK and US. We wanted to give you a treat. Joe E Legends and myself got this made for you all. I hope you will enjoy it. We included an excerpt below and we shared the links to buy it in the UK as well as the US.


The sudden movement of her burying into the thick duvets, pillows and sheets made pain explode through the front of her head. Pain lashed out at the backs of her eyes making tears form just behind her eyelids, they threatened to spill over. The heat of her tears clashed against the cool air of the room, leaving her eyes protesting against it. The hot burn of them was enough to send her cold hands flying to them, in desperate hope of cooling them.

The room started to spin and aches started to take over the rest of her body. Like a marching of soldiers, with a steady, determined pace. The aches came in a series of waves making her feel dizzy and sick. Almost as if she found herself in the grips of the rough, wild and explosive Irish Sea. With its venom for ships and those who tried to conquer it on a daily basis. She felt like death and it wasn't a feeling she'd ever been to use to. It wasn’t a feeling she wanted to get use to or ever have to deal with again.

She barely ever drank; she was more use to being on ‘drunk patrol’ rather being drunk herself. Without opening her eyes, she knew she faced down a killer of a hangover. She knew this wasn't going to be easily fixed by a simple aspirin and fry up. She searched blindly for shades and hoped none of her clients were going to be too loud today.

Her hand searched the bedside table and she found nothing. She tried to remember where she left them and felt sure they'd been there. She wasn't going to open her eyes to see where they were. She wanted to stay in the darkness as long as possible.

“Aww.” She groaned and she replaced her head deeper into the embrace of her nest of pillows hoping relief might come out of more sleep. It offered her a welcoming embrace at the edges of her mind. She hoped it might take her over soon as another wave of sickness finished beating at her.
She'd never felt this sick on boats crossing some of the worst oceans or in planes which felt like they might fall out of the sky.

“How's the hang over?” Came a voice which caused her head to jerk up and brought her eyes shooting open into the bright morning light of her hotel room. A series of chain reactions shot off around her body like a pin ball in a pin ball machine. Its reactions caused her to struggle to not whimper aloud against the pain that flooded her. She instantly regretted her sudden movements.

The entire room spun around her, her head screamed at her to lay it back down on the safety of the pillow. She felt last night’s aftermath of alcohol race up her throat into her mouth and she forced herself to swallowed back. The burn of it made her to cough against its alien presence within her throat. Her body shivered against the sudden cooler air it met. It made the hangover punish her even more with its tight grip.
Her mind got stuck on something far scarier. She registered her client standing there in front of her. Her mind became distracted by the sight of him there to take in the pain lashing at the back of her eyes. More pain whipped itself up some frosting, in the tender spot in her forehead. Her eyes feel like there were about to pop out of her sockets.

When the pain eased a bit more she focused on the man standing in front of her. She hoped it wasn't her client, but one of the other agents who might have put her to bed, after getting herself wrecked at the party. Instead when her fuzzy eyes focused she saw her worst nightmare. Her client standing right in front of her, butt-naked and dripping wet.  

Get your copy now: