Sunday 13 March 2016

Unleashing Mr Darcy By Teri Wilson 5 Star Review

Hello Readers, 

We have a film adapted novel for review today and there is going to be a lot of gushing over this book so there is your warning before I get started. 

Unleashing Mr Darcy Blurb: 

Not Elizabeth Scott. Instead of planning a walk down the aisle, she’s leaving New York behind for an adventure in London with the only companion she needs – her dog, Bliss. A new job caring for a pack of show dogs should be just the thing to take her mind off the scandal that ruined her teaching career –and her reputation.

She’s certainly not interested in dealing with men like the condescending Donovan Darcy, no matter how gorgeous he is! But a nearly thirty-something New Yorker seduced by country mansions and glittering London parties can only resist so much! So when a proposal does come along, will she say yes…?

5 Stars Review: 

What an easy read! 

That was the most important thing I wanted to start out with. What Teri does is amazing and the true talent of a great author. Someone that shouldn't be rejected by anyone. She has a great eye for detail. Creates a strong female heroine that makes any reader stand up and go "Hell yeah!" about the female taking control over their own destiny. Her romance novels would even sit well with the feminists out there. 

The love story itself was well developed in a world that many dog owners know and love. There is an element to the "upper class" that they would even be proud of. The whole book was a perfect take on Jane Austin's Mr Darcy's character. She would be proud I'm sure to read what Teri was able to do with the book and how she developed his frustrations while keeping the threads of the Darcy character that we all loved alive. 

I couldn't take my hat off more to you. I hope that the author knows that she has done this book far more justice that I suspected it would be when I picked it up. The book sucks in any reader and it makes the reader just not want the story to end. 

I will be reading more of Teri Wilson's works and I hope that you read this and it makes you check out this greatly talented author. 


Thank you for stopping by to read the review. 

Kristal McKerrington 

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